Back by popular demand, the Louisiana Pirate Festival brings back the bed races! Go ahead and wash your sheets, fluff your pillows, and throw on your running slippers. May 5, 2018 will bring the bed races to the Louisiana Pirate Festival.

As a kid, I remember seeing this insane people pushing beds around the Civic Center. I always wondered why in the world someone would race a bed! It's much better for napping. The Louisiana Pirate Festival will hold the Bed Races this year on May 5. That should be plenty of time to come up with a team, a bed, and a theme.

TJ Martell hosts 2016 Downtown Derby Bed Race
Getty Images for TJ Martell Foun


The rules are fairly simple. Minimum of 5 team members: 4 Runners, 1 Rider, and 1 Alternate if you decide to have one. The course is 1/8 of a mile, with 2 beds racing at a time during a time trial. The beds must be themed and decorate on a Twin sized platform. There are no limitations on size of wheel/tire, but you cant have brakes or steering.

Interested in this insane race? The entry form is up and ready for you to fill out at the Louisiana Pirate Festival's Website. Fill it out, sign the waiver, and get to building your "sleeper" of a race bed.

TJ Martell hosts 2016 Downtown Derby Bed Race
Getty Images for TJ Martell Foun

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