Things To Do in Lake Charles On This Halloween Weekend Oct. 28-31
We finally made it to the weekend and this is a special weekend as it's Halloween weekend. There are a ton of things going on all over Lake Charles and Southwest Louisiana to celebrate the holiday.
There are Halloween costume contests, football games, trick-or-teat events, and big concerts going on everywhere. We have done the leg work for you and have all the events you need to know about for the weekend.
Wayne Toups will be performing live tonight at the Cowboy Block Party in Lake Charles. It's McNeese's homecoming so you know it's going to be a big show. Click here for details.
Johnny Jimenez and Blake Pickle will be performing live at Linda's Lounge on Lake Street in Lake Charles for their big Halloween party. Blake Pickle will play from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm then Johnny will take the stage from 10:00 pm to 1:00 am.
Casey Peveto will be live at Koozie's Daquiris and Sports bar located at 2622 Hwy. 14 in Lake Charles this Friday night from 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm for a big show.
Sulphur Dirt & Rock will have their pumpkin patch for the entire family all weekend. They are located on Highway 27 South in Sulphur just past Stines on the left-hand side.
The Candy Crawl in Downtown Lake Charles from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm will feature trick-or-treating, live music, food vendors, and much more. Downtown businesses will be handing out candy and the Seven Slot Society of SWLA will be holding a trunk-or-treat. Click here for all the places to visit.
Coushatta Casino Resort will have its annual Halloween Costume Contest and Party Saturday evening in Kinder, Louisiana. Registration starts at 6:00 pm and goes through 8:30 pm with the contest starting at 9:00 pm. First place gets $5000! Click here for all the details.
The McNeese Cowboys football team will celebrate homecoming on Saturday night at Cowboy's Stadium when they take on Southeastern Louisiana at 7:00 pm.
Get out and have some fun this weekend and celebrate Halloween.
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