With less than  a week away until Christmas, you may be scrambling for the last gift or have no idea what your kids want for Christmas.  You may be like me and not be hip to the cool new toys that all kids are dying to get under the tree.

Well I found a list of the top 5 kids toys for Christmas this 2017 holiday season to try and help you out.

#5 The NEW Teddy Ruxpin

Back in the 1980's all we all wanted was this talking Teddy Bear to tell us stories and now ole Teddy is back new and improved for the digital age.

#4  Hatchimals Surprise Twins Egg

Hamleys Christmas Showcase
Hatchimals (Getty Images)

Just like last years Hatchimals where when they hatched your kids take care of them but this year there is a surprise.  Twins!

#3  Googly Eyes Drawing Game Board game

This is fun for the entire family.  The game includes glasses that will alter your vision while you try and draw stuff for the family to guess your word.  #laughingoutloudalready

#2  Hatchimals CollEGGtibles

Hamleys Christmas Showcase
Hatchimals (Getty Images)

This four pack of Hatchimals CollEGGtibles have hearts on them and when you rub them they turn from purple to pink.  Be careful though,  There are 70 in the series and that is how they get ya!

#1 Fingerlings Interactive Baby Monkey

I am not going to lie, these are kind of weird lol.  But Walmart, Toys R Us and Amazon  are selling out of these things.  The attach to your finger and they will respond to sound.  If you move they will do something too as well as blink their eyes and move their head.

 Happy Shopping!

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