Top Social Media Signs a Cold Front Has Come to Your Area
It's here. Not as much as we expected, but it has arrived. Cooler weather means everyone in SWLA and SETX is celebrating and warming up the pots. In case you woke up this morning unsure of the temperature, there are some signs to look for on social media to tell 100% if the weather has changed.
1. Obligatory car temperature picture. Get ready for a lot of these each time we hit a lower temperature throughout the season. You know Alex is gonna post a picture of the temperature gauge while she is jamming Boosie on her way to work.
2. Gumbo pot pictures. Want to see who your real friends are? Watch for them to post these pictures. You can get the inside scoop on if they can really make a roux or not.
3. See all of your friends hunting spots, then use those to figure out if you want to go hunting with them. They're going to post them, so use this to your advantage to see if it's going to be a limit day, or a start drinking at 4:00am day.
4. That one dumb friend who keeps posting beach pictures at the first feeling of cooler weather. Followed by a quote about leaving your cares in the sand and let the waves wash away the stress.
5. All places to eat in your area will really start pushing their outdoor dining atmosphere. Warning, some places that don't have outdoor dining options might suddenly have them. I highly suggest researching them, you don't want to be interrupted by the garbage truck in the middle of your meal to move out of the way.
Last, but not least...
6. UGG Boot pictures. We get it, Stacy. You got a knock-off pair of boots from Facebook Marketplace. It's only 72 degrees. Take them off of your sweaty feet.
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