We all have seen and heard the stereotypes that people NOT from Louisiana think about people from Louisiana. From Hollywood movies making fun of the state, people, and the food to thinking we all are backwoods unintelligent people, they have become very comical.

If you are from Louisiana, you take pride in your culture, heritage, language, and way of life. Some things we do can be perceived as off the wall, we get it, but to us, it is just normal. The way would explain it to people, not from Louisiana is, that Louisiana is just a little bit different which is why it makes us unique.

Here are some examples:

Things People NOT From Louisiana Think Louisiana People Do

RBC Heritage - Final Round
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1.  They all think we have a pet alligator. -- To the contrary, we try and avoid getting in the way of any alligator because they are very aggressive. However, every September, we have a 30-day hunting season for gators.

New Orleans Celebrates Mardi Gras
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2.  Mardi Gras is a year party -- Not true, Mardi Gras starts on the 12th night celebrations which take place 12 days after Christmas, and ends the day before Ash Wednesday which starts Lent. Now we do love to drink, cook, and party but after Mardi Gras, most Louisiana people look forward to the break.


3.  We All Speak with a Thick Cajun Accent -- Not True. The only place you will hear that thick Cajun accent is in the Southern part of Louisiana. The accents also are different from the West side of the state to the East Side of the state. From Lake Charles to Lafayette and the Acadiana area, you will hear the rich Cajun accent. In the New Orleans area, you will hear more of a New York-style accent.

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4. The Whole State Is Swamp -- Not everyone in Louisiana lives on the water and the whole state is not a swamp either. Now there are a ton of waterways, lakes, marshes, swamps, rivers, and bayous. That is true but most people don't make their main residence there but choose to have a camp, like a getaway, to enjoy on the weekends.

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