A Look Back at the Past: Old Contraband Days Photos and Video
First of all, we are not going to get in on the debate of Contraband Days vs Pirate Festival. A name change isn't always the end-all to something. After all, we are all concerned about the Capital One building, but it used to be the Calcasieu Marine building and then became the Hibernia Tower. We still love it no matter what the name currently is.
I am lucky enough to know a few pirates around town, rather old pirates at that. They decided to take a walk down memory lane and share pictures of the "old days". I am not knocking the past or the future of this festival, but I do have some fond memories of the old days. Don't we all?
I can remember when Dad bought a boat. The first thing on my mind was we were going to take it cruising during Contraband Days and be boat people. We did just that! We slid it on up to the seawall and I thought we were hot snot being able to tie up and get out. Plus, we got to see the fireworks from the water. That has to be one of my fondest memories of the festival and us having that boat. Fireworks from the water just might be the coolest thing to experience.
I can remember many times the neighborhood kids, myself included, would beg and plead to be dropped off at Contraband Days so we could ride all of the rides and people watch. Personally, even at that age, people watching during those days was just the best thing to do! We would eat way too much junk food, and ride way too many rides until we almost puked. In fact, I did one year. It wasn't a pretty scene, it was a mixture of lemonade, funnel cakes, corn dogs, and alligator on a stuck. The zipper ride got me, and my stomach. It was almost like that scene from "The Sandlot". Luckily, I held it together until we got off of the ride. I still feel bad for whoever had to clean that trash can I didn't make it to.
I know that there is a lot of controversy with the festival these days, but perhaps if we remember the good times we all had as kids we can ease back into the good times. These photos sure did bring back a ton of memories. I can still smell the food, generator exhaust, and other smells I was too young to know of.
The Louisiana Pirate Festival continues this weekend and into Mother's Day Sunday featuring live music by Parish County Line. There is still more live entertainment leading up to Sunday. For a list of times and who's playing, take a look HERE and head on out for another beautiful weekend at the Louisiana Pirate Festival!
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