Age Limit on Trick or Treating?
As we grow up, we can't wait to hit certain ages in order to do "grown-up" things. I remember I was so ready to hit 16 so I could drive. 18 and I could finally go see every rated R movie I wanted. 21 meant I could go drinking.... ok, 21 mean I could do it legally, this IS Southwest Louisiana (sorry Mom and Dad).
How old were you when you stopped Trick or Treating? I remember I was in middle school and we wanted free candy, we dressed up as an old women (thanks for the clothes Mom), and my best friend and I walked around University Place going door to door. We got a LOT of looks, and questions as we went along. It didn't phase us. "Just put the candy in the K&B bag, Karen".
It seems in the world of 2018, neighborhoods are shutting down their streets to make it safer for ghouls and goblins to collect candy, timing it all before dark, and some cities are even attaching an age limit to who will get candy or not.
In Chesapeake, VA, the laws have been changed. According to letgrow.org, their city code now limits the hours of Trick or Treating (6pm-8pm) and if you are over the age of 12, you could be fined $100 or face jail time.
(a) If any person over the age of 12 years shall engage in the activity commonly known as “trick or treat” or any other activity of similar character or nature under any name whatsoever, he or she shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than $25.00 nor more than $100.00 or by confinement in jail for not more than six months or both.
(b) If any person shall engage in the activity commonly known as “trick or treat”or any other activity of similar character or nature under any name whatsoever after 8:00 p.m., he or she shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than $10.00 nor more than $100.00 or by confinement in jail for not more than 30 days or both.
Go ahead, read it again. I'll wait.
Let's hope if your non-ID carrying 13-year-old gets caught in Virginia, they have saved their allowance for such a cruel crime against candy.
Luckily for us here in Louisiana, there doesn't seem to be any law pertaining to the act of "trick or treating". I am sure it will probably just be a matter of time before it happens. Next thing you'll know is that 13-year-olds will have mastered the art of what we all might have done at the bar: Licking the hand of your 21-year-old friend for their stamp to transfer over to yours, taping the over 21 armbands around your wrist, or carrying around a 12-year-old's fake ID.
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