Big Brothers Big Sisters Of SWLA ‘Bags & Brew’ Fundraiser
Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Southwest Louisiana (BBBS) is getting set for their first fundraiser of 2021 as they have announced their Bags & Brew event.
2020 was an extremely tough year for our local BBBS. The pandemic hit them hard and it was difficult for their Bigs to be able to be with their Littles as they needed to exercise caution for health reasons.
On top of that, BBBS also lost every one of their fundraisers in 2020. They had to cancel their golf tournament and Bowl for Kids Sake, which were to be two of their biggest fundraisers of the year.
Now as we begin 2021, BBBS is launching their first fundraiser in March called Bags & Brew. The funds collected will directly support their mentoring programs for youth in SWLA, so all the money stays local.
The outdoor double-elimination cornhole tournament will take place at the Crying Eagle Brewing in Lake Charles on March 27 starting at 12:00pm. There are 30 VIP teams and 120 regular teams available.
You will need to pre-register your team before the event date. To sign your team up, go to the Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Southwest Louisiana website here.

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