School lunch debts have been a topic of conversation for a few years now. The nation has many school districts that have increasing debts from students who cannot pay or afford a lunch, which leaves the school with outstanding balances. In Calcasieu Parish, this is a current topic up for discussion. The Calcasieu Parish School District Nutrition Program Director, Jacqueline Richard, said in an interview with KPLC, “The school board policy is that we would never deny a student a meal no matter how much they owe."

The school meal debt has increased over the years and has now risen to $150,000.00 from last year, according to Richard. To help consolidate this debt, Richard said the district will reach out to families who qualify for free and reduced lunch. Measures are taken throughout the year for students who have an outstanding balance by calling parents by phone or sending out notices by mail.

A new policy will be put into motion by the end of the year, and the district will begin using a recovery agency to collect on lunch debt.

For more information on the school lunch benefits, visit

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