Frosty Factory in Lake Charles Facing Bar Permit Suspension
A couple weeks ago, Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards issued an emergency order that bars had to close again to stop the spread of COVID-19. The order imposed was that bars were to close their doors and not to serve patrons, meaning no live music, no service of alcohol, and no patrons inside the bar.
One Southwest Louisiana bar is in hot water after allegedly violating the order over the weekend. According to the office of Louisiana State Fire Marshal, the Alcohol Tobacco Control (ATC) has suspended the bar permit for Frosty Factory located at 4688 Common Street in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
In the Louisiana State Fire Marshal's press release, they said it was due to excessive and/or repeated non-compliance with Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards' emergency order aimed at mitigating the spread of COVID-19.
Ashley Rodrique with the Louisiana State Fire Marshal went on to say,
Multiple inspections conducted at the Frosty Factory by State Fire Marshal deputies and Louisiana Department of Health sanitarians found violations of the governor’s order including being open to and serving members of the public inside the bar this past weekend.
A hearing for the infraction is scheduled for Aug. 5 and/or August 6 for the local bar and if found in violation of the order, Frosty Factory could have their bar permit suspended for a period of up to 30 days.

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