Yeah, I don't know why either. Brooks, in a few recent interviews beginning in the middle of last year, began hinting we could be hearing more from his alter ego, Chris Gaines. You remember that, right? A lot of Brooks's fans supported the effort until they actually heard the album.

When the album was released, it was while the country singer was in his prime as one of the top artists in the entire world. The Gaines album only sold two million copies, as compared to Brooks selling ten million of his own during that same time period. Despite an obvious weird time in his life, Brooks still says he enjoyed doing it.

It may not have been for everyone, but Trisha has been known to tell how that album by Gaines is still her favorite album ever. That is either blind love or true support for your husband. There is no word on exactly when we will see the album release from Gaines, but rest assured, we will all probably hate it just as much as we hated the first one. I also don't think Brooks can drop that much weight like he did for the first go around with the character.

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