The port of Beirut was rocked earlier by an explosion seeming like something out of a movie. The capital of Lebanon's port experienced severe damage, along with buildings and residents nearby. Videos have been posted on various social media outlets of the explosion, some of them seeming to be quite a few miles away.

According to an article published by NBC News, although the cause has not been officially verified, it has been reported that the area that possibly housed explosives. NBC began to compare the location of the various videos collected on social media to compare them with actual satellite imagery of the area. They were able to confirm a warehouse at the Beirut Port Silos was the location of the gigantic blast. Lebanon's National News Agency reported wheat was also being stored nearby the explosion area.

The area is now being evacuated by the military, and paths are being made for medical personnel to make their way into the area to help the wounded. The Lebanese Red Cross stated they have dispatched 30 teams to respond to the incident. Meanwhile, the President of Lebanon stated the government would be assisting those affected and displaced by the blast with shelter and support.

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The blast comes on the heels of current political and social unrest in the area. The unrest is a combination of the death of former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri, who was killed in 2005 by a bomb, mixed with the coronavirus pandemic leaving many citizens without jobs and protesting in the street.

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