Interview with Swamp People
They hunt alligators, have kids, raise cattle, and now they've interviewed with Your Buddy Russ. Kristi Broussard and Stringbean stopped by the Gator studio today to talk about their appearance at the 33rd Annual Gulf Coast Boat and RV show this weekend at the Lake Charles Civic Center. This gator hunting team was absolutely amazing. We talked about their anniversary being today, Feb 16, and compared gator hunting to them being married for 5 years. They enjoy being a team together and are looking forward to season 8 of swamp people. Their day starts early in the morning, but it's not to start hunting, its far worse than that. It's to wake the kids up and get them to school. I think I'd rather keep hunting for alligators than fight kids to go to school.
They hunt in the month of September for 30 days during the season trying to get as many gators as they have tags. I won't describe the bait they used, but trust me, it's not Whataburger. They love interacting with fans and the kids hearing them tell hunting and fishing stories and, of course, telling a few of their own. It was also discovered they are HUGE Dustin Sonnier fans and I have my work cut out for me with Stringbean who might love him as much as I do. Go see them at the Boss Drive booth during the Gulf Coast Boat and RV show this Saturday at the Lake Charles Civic center.
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