Local Crawfish Caterer Doesn’t Let High Water Stop the Party
Over the weekend, we experienced lots and lots of rain and wind. The result? High water everywhere along with swollen rivers and lakes. The boys and girls with Bon Temps Crawfish Catering didn't let a little water stop them from boiling up for their client. They rolled through the water as they set up by the Lake Charles Yacht Club off of I-10.
As you can see, the water was covering the entire area as they began to set up their trailer. The only water they were worried about was the boiling water in the pots. They didn't skip a beat and cranked the burners up as they trudged through the flooded area.
One of the owners, David Jagneaux, replied to a few comments on Facebook saying they should be known now as the Emergency Mobile Crawfish Reponse Team. I think any time you have NO crawfish should be considered an emergency.
The party was a success it seems, and even the partiers of the Lake Charles Yacht Club showed up and didn't seem to worry about the water one bit. Just goes to show you want a Cajun will do for crawfish!