Local Students Make Valentines For Kids At St. Jude
Last week, when I told my stepson, Trey, about our Radiothon to benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, he immediately asked if there was anything he could do to help out. We talked about it for a few minutes, then he came up with the idea of asking his classmates if they'd like to make some Valentine's Day cards to send to the hospital.
A quick email and a couple of text messages to his teacher later, and everything was set. When Valentine's Day rolled around, I grabbed Erik Tee, and we headed over to Ms. Crum's 5th grade class at Henry Heights Elementary here in Lake Charles.
Check out the video below:
After talking with the students and checking out some of their cards, we headed back to the studio and let the kids get back to the important business of schoolwork. Ms. Crum sent all the Valentine's Day cards home with my stepson, and some of them are just adorable. They're all great, but a few either made me laugh, or punched me right in the Feels. But they all made me smile.
One 5th grader named Devonte has apparently already been donating to the great work St. Jude does. He writes:
I personally hope every child gets better that has this cancer. You will survive this. For the past few years, I've donated over $30 dollars. I know it's not much, but I hope it helps. With all of these patients, I want to you to know that every one of you in the hospital is special. I want to bless all and say Happy Valentine's Day!
Haleigh's enthusiasm is awesome. Seriously. Check it out:
Happy Valentine's Day! You're an awesome person. You have an awesome personality, and a cool smile. I hope you get well soon. Stay positive and stay happy. Be as happy as you can! I hope you have a great day, and STAY AWESOME!
Ja'Corey went the extra mile and decorated the inside of his card with a picture of a mirror between two roses. He writes:
Hey kid! My name's Ja'Corey from Louisiana. Let's pretend that you can see me through that mirror up there (the one by the roses). Also, Happy Valentine's Day (if it's still Valentine's Day). I hope you're feeling good, you handsome devil (or beautiful girl)! But enough about me. Tell me about yourself! Hrmm? Uh-huh. Yes. Oh, that's cool! (Even though I can't really hear you.)
One student chose to remain upbeat and anonymous, and provided a bunch of fun distractions at the top of his card:
Hello! I hope you can keep your spirits high and not dwell on why you're where you are. So, I put some jokes and activities on the top of your paper! Such as: a word search, jokes, riddles, and more for you! Enjoy these activities as you keep your heart dear to HOPE.
-From "a friend"
There are many more cards, and they're all terrific. We hope they'll find their way to at least a few of the brave and amazing kids at St. Jude.
Last year, we raised $31, 960 during our first ever Radiothon, and this year we hope to raise even more - but we need your help! Become a Partner in Hope by calling 1-800-372-4999 or donate now online. You can also text “GIVE” to 7-8-5-8-3-3 to leave your donation. (By texting, you’ll receive reminders from St. Jude to complete your donation.)
The cards were presented to St. Jude's during the afternoon of Thursday, February 17, 2017.
While Ms. Crum will continue to collect donations in her classroom to send to St. Jude by the end of the year, Trey decided to go ahead and donate the $25 he'd managed to save up toward a big purchase he's had his eye on for a while now.
When I asked him why he wanted to donate his entire savings, he replied simply, "It's for the kids at St. Jude, Papa. They need it more than me, and I can always save more money."