Let us begin by saying don't believe everything you read on social media. People all across the country and even here in Louisiana are freaking out over the news of the dock strike that started a few days ago.

News outlets reported that the dock workers who work along different ports all down the East Coast, and in New Orleans and Houston ports went on strike. The workers and their union were calling for a bigger raise and to be assured that they would not be replaced with robot technology and other ways to lose their jobs.

Work Stops At Port Of Oakland As Contract Negotiations Stall
Getty Images

With the news of the dock worker strike, people were hearing on the news and seeing reports on social media that there would be a shortage of items that would not be shipped into the United States which has caused a panic at the grocery stores.

This week, We saw this first hand as we visited the local Sam Club in Lake Charles, Louisiana. When we pulled in, the parking lot was packed. We had to park seven rows away from the front of the store which was mind-blowing since it was 2:00 pm on a weekday. The store is usually not that busy during that time.

As we walked toward the front door, we saw people coming out with their baskets full of items and the one main item people had in their basket was toilet paper. We counted 10 straight customers wheeling their buggies out and every one of them had toilet paper and some even had paper towels too. In some cases, people had two or three cases of toilet paper in their buggies.

Mike Soileau TSM
Mike Soileau TSM

We entered the store to see it packed with every checkout line having at least five people standing in it waiting to check out. We went to the back and saw the workers wheeling out pallet after pallet of toilet paper and paper towels and as soon as they dropped them on the floor were as fast as the swarm of people that would be snatching them up. It looked like a piranha feeding frenzy.

Mike Soileau TSM
Mike Soileau TSM

We talked to a worker there who told us it had been that busy all week and people were buying like that all week. The main things people are scooping up are toilet paper, paper towels, and cases of water. They even had a limit of two cases of water per customer.

They told us that it was crazy that people were buying up all the toilet paper because it doesn't come from overseas anyway. Toilet paper is made right here in the United States.

Work Stops At Port Of Oakland As Contract Negotiations Stall
Getty Images

Then yesterday, we learned that the strike had been postponed until at least until January 2025 so there was no need for everyone to freak out in the first place.

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