MIke’s Radio Wife Is Back For One Show Only This Friday March 16
So It has been a little over a year sine my radio wife Emily left with her husband as he serves our country in the US Army. Well she is coming back to Southwest Louisiana this week to visit us.
So get ready because this Friday for one show only, Me and Emily will be live back together on the air doing the "Mike & Emily" show once again.
On a personal note, Emily wasn't just my co-worker but a great friend to me and my wife. I have missed working with her everyday but I am proud of her and her husband Garrett who is serving our country!
Get ready for some trips down memory lane, some new shenanigans, and we will find out what Emily has been up to. We will also go Facebook live on the Gator 99.5 Facebook page!
Make sure to tune in this Friday Morning, March 16th from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. as it will be Mike & Emily back together for one show right here on Gator 99.5!
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