Seven Slot Society of SWLA Announces Jeeps Parade Mardi Gras Day
Adding to the many amazing parades we have right here in Lake Charles, the Seven Slot Society of SWLA will be holding their annual Jeeps on Parade with Mardi Gras SWLA.
The parade will run the "Children's Parade" route, ending at 7th Street from Ryan street. All Jeeps are welcome to join the parade, as long as you have filled out an entry form to participate. Entry forms can be turned in the day of the parade as you line up. The entry fee to join in on the parade is only $10, but jeeps are only allowed.
Lineup for the parade, that is on Tuesday Mardi Gras Day, will begin at 12:00pm near Mill Street and all participants must be in line by 1:00pm. If you need a form, you can get one RIGHT HERE, and fill it out to turn in. Although you must own a Jeep, you do not have to be affiliated with a club nor organization to participate.
starts at 2pm