Earlier today, Judge Clayton Davis issued arrest warrants for two suspects in connection with the Moss Bluff Elementary shooting. The warrants were issued for father and son, Michael and Jake Dugas.

Michael Dugas, 50, is charged with negligent injuring and improper supervision of a minor with a bond of $5,000, and turned himself in this afternoon around 1:30pm. Jake Dugas, 17, is charged with negligent injuring with a bond of $2,500, and was arrested at his residence earlier today.

During their investigation, detectives learned that the gun involved in Monday's shooting was owned by Michael Dugas, the father of the 1st grade student who brought the gun to school. Michael informed detectives that he'd purchased the firearm, which he allowed his 17-year-old son, Jake Dugas, to keep in a bedroom he shared with his younger sibling.

Furthermore, detectives discovered that Jake kept the gun in a transparent mesh shoe organizer that hung on the wall next to the bed where the 1st grader slept, and that Michael was aware that the gun was kept unsecured, with no gun lock or holster.

In a search of the home, detectives discovered an unlocked gun safe inside the bedroom closet that was not being used.

Deputies responding to the shooting at Moss Bluff Elementary determined that the 1st grader brought the loaded gun to school, where it fell out of the student's backpack and was picked up by another student when it accidentally fired, hitting 7-year-old Gage Meche.

Gage Meche
Gage Meche

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