SWLA Veterans Association Announce Inaugural Golf Tournament
The SWLA Veterans Association have been hard at work organizing their first ever golf tournament. Formed in 2015, the non-profit organization is made up of local veterans of the United States Armed Forces. Their mission is to bring together veterans from the area to provide an outlet for social and charitable events in the community. They hold monthly socials and events all veterans are invited to while assisting them with the many challenges they face, such as job searching and re-integration back into civilian life.
The golf tournament will help the association raise money for the group to continue their mission in our community with proceeds helping fund future events. Each year, the association has a huge event for Veterans Day, featuring free food to all veterans who attend. They also do a picnic on Memorial Day each year.
Not only are they looking for teams to play in the tournament, but they are also looking for sponsors, with various price brackets so any business can be a part of an amazing event. The tournament will be a two-man scramble at $225 per team on May 7 at the National Golf Club. It will be a 1:00pm shotgun start with prizes given away for hole-in-one, closest to the pin, longest drive, and mulligans.
If you would like to participate in the tournament or become a sponsor, you can contact Bubba Viator at 337-990-2762, Bobby Boom at 337-515-3853, or email the association directly at veterans.swla@gmail.com.
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