'Exploding Star' Once in a Lifetime Event Visible in Louisiana'Exploding Star' Once in a Lifetime Event Visible in LouisianaLouisiana has got another reason to look up, a star system some 3,000 light years away is set to explode. Here's how to see it happen. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
'Devil' Comet to Swing Past Earth - How to See it in Louisiana'Devil' Comet to Swing Past Earth - How to See it in LouisianaComing soon, Louisiana can expect a heavenly fly-by as the "Devil" comet makes a pass by Earth. It only comes around once every 71 years. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Best Time to See 5 Planets Align in the Nighttime Sky this MonthBest Time to See 5 Planets Align in the Nighttime Sky this MonthThe planets haven't aligned in the Louisiana sky this way in almost 20 years. Here's what you need to know to see them for yourself. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
‘Pink’ Moon to Grace Louisiana Skies This Easter Weekend‘Pink’ Moon to Grace Louisiana Skies This Easter WeekendThe full "Pink Moon" will shimmer and shine this Easter weekend in Louisiana but will it actually be pink?Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
The ‘Christmas Star’ Appears Tonight and the View Should be GreatThe ‘Christmas Star’ Appears Tonight and the View Should be GreatThe East Texas forecast is looking great for tonight's viewing of the rare 'Christmas Star'.Danny MerrellDanny Merrell
‘Christmas Star’ Visible in South Louisiana Nighttime Sky‘Christmas Star’ Visible in South Louisiana Nighttime SkyTwo heavenly bodies will combine to provide a unique light show just in time for Christmas. Bruce MikellsBruce Mikells
Get Ready for the Super Blood Wolf Moon EclipseGet Ready for the Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse3 different lunar phenomena will converge to bring this unusual trifecta to our night sky. Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Jupiter, Venus and Mars are all Visible in the Early Morning Sky This Week [PHOTOS]Jupiter, Venus and Mars are all Visible in the Early Morning Sky This Week [PHOTOS]Jupiter, Venus and Mars, oh my!Emily JEmily J