The SWLA Veterans group is a group that started a few years ago as a way for local vets to get together and fellowship as one. The group has grown immensely since it started, and invites all Veterans of SWLA and SETX to be apart of it and enjoy having a group of guys and girls that you can talk to and lean on no matter what branch you were in.

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The group gets together monthly, has a Facebook Group, and not only helps their own, but participates in charity events around the SWLA and SETX area. This year, they have purchased a tailgating spot for any veteran to come and hang out at, be around other vets no matter age or branch, and enjoy a great time during the football season.

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If you would like to participate in the party, you have to be a Vet. That's it. Show up, introduce yourself, and get to fellowshipping. If you'd like to help support this amazing group of guys and gals, you can contact Bubba Viator at 337-990-2762.

The group will be at spot 91 all season long. Go Pokes!

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