Today, June 1st Is The Official Start Of Hurricane Season — How To Be Prepared
Well, it's here folks. The day that makes all of Southwest Louisiana cringe. Today is the official start of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season.
For all of us here in Lake Charles and Southwest Louisiana, we all know so well about how it feels when mother natures wrath comes right through your city.
We are less than two years removed from a devastating hurricane season where Lake Charles and Southwest Louisiana saw not one but two hurricanes come right over us in a six-week period.
Hurricane Laura hit us as an almost category 5 hurricane and then just six weeks later, Delta hit us as a strong category 5 hurricane, and then just six weeks later, Delta hit us pretty much putting the finishing touches on anything that Laura didn't destroy.
How can you prepare for that? Well in that special case you pretty much can't but that was a unique once-in-a-lifetime type of event.
Since we live so close to the Gulf of Mexico and we are susceptible to hurricanes, it is always good to be prepared, and here are some tips to get prepared now.
- Make sure you have all of your prescriptions filled
- Have cash on hand
- Have a portable radio with batteries
- Have a plan of action
- Make sure your gas cans are topped off for your generator and top off your vehicle with gas
- Buy a generator or check yours to make sure it's in working condition
- Have tarps on hand in case you need to cover up in damage
The forecasters are calling for an active season so it is better to get prepared now before it's too late. Just remember what Laura did to us! take a look at below.
The Impact of Hurricane Laura on Lake Charles
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