Tropical Depression Now Tropical Storm Hannah
In 24 hours, Tropical Depression 8 has upgraded to Tropical Storm Hannah. Hannah formed into a tropical storm late Thursday night is in carrying sustained winds of 40 miles per hour. Wind gusts are peaking as high as 50 miles per hour as she edges closer to Texas.
As Hannah reaches the shores of Texas, she is expected to make landfall on Saturday afternoon but not before possibly gaining more strength. According to CNN, there is a tropical storm warning from the Rio Grande up to Port Mansfield in Texas. Flooding is expected as it's estimated Hannah will drop three to six inches of rain on average, with some places along the path possibly seeing over ten inches of rainfall. Although Louisiana seems to have dodged most of the concentrated rains, we can expect the outer bands to come and go with heavy rain and tropical winds as the storm makes its way on shore.
With the naming of Hannah as the eighth hurricane this season, it makes the earliest named "H" storm. Before Hannah, Hurricane Harvey was the previous holder of the "H" name on August 3, 2005. Experts across the globe did say we would have an exceptionally active hurricane season this year. It seems that, so far, they were correct.

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