Video of Thousands Lined Up to Get a Piece of LSU Turf History
As LSU finished up their amazing season, it was announced that they would be allowing people to take a piece of sod home with them. The stadium will be having improvements made during the of season, and those improvements mean new turf. So what do you do with the old grass? You offer it up for free to anyone that would want it.
Rather than disposing of it, LSU had the idea to go ahead and allow fans to come and take what they wanted from the undefeated field. It totaled up to over 3,300 rolls of the field's sod, sitting on over 20 pallets. A total of 3500 square feet of grass and dirt. According to some grass grabbers, it was a total "black Friday" type made house as fans scrambled to grab their share of the grass. LSU figured it would take a few hours to give it all away, but it ended up only taking a few minutes before it was all gone and over.
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