Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever heard the story of Toni Jo Henry and her execution and haunting here in Lake Charles? It's really interesting but the stories of the people who have encountered her inside the old dome courthouse in downtown Lake Charles are chilling.

Toni Jo Henry was accused of murder and was found guilty of the murder of Joseph P. Calloway and was sentenced to death. She was the only female in Louisiana history ever to be executed by an electric chair. No other female has ever been executed in the electric chair in Louisiana to this day.

She was executed at the basement of the courthouse in Lake Charles on November 28, 1942. She is buried at the Orange Grove cemetery in Lake Charles and the headstone reads her real name Anna B McQuiston Henry. It is said that ever since her execution, she has haunted the old courthouse.

Toni Jo Henry Grave (YouTube)
Toni Jo Henry Grave (YouTube)

There have been so many stories of people who work in that courthouse that have had strange encounters with Toni Jo and let me tell you, their stories will make the hair stand up on your arm.

Local Lake Charles woman Jennifer Spees plays Toni Jo every year during Halloween for Lake Charles haunted history tour. She was asked by the folks at SpiritGuidesLC Paranormal Investigations to team up to spend the night inside the courthouse to try and connect with Toni Jo.

The video below is that episode. You will see in the video you are about to watch that the team makes contact with Toni Jo and you can even hear her even talk to them. They also got responses from some other spirits inside the courthouse.

I watched it from start to finish and let me tell you, I was a little freaked out after it ended. I was thinking to myself, well I am never going in that courthouse again LOL. Check this out.

Now would you go stay the night in the courthouse in lake Charles and see if you see of hearing from ghosts like Toni Jo or anyone else? I don't think I have the nerve for it!

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