Wendy’s Takes to Twitter to Give Out Free Nuggets
In case you were not aware, Wendy's has a Twitter account and it can get pretty savage and funny, all at the same time. They have gone as far as making fun of other fast food places and even going after people who tweet about them.
Over the past month, people have been talking about getting ghosted in the dating world. It's where two people begin talking regularly, but one of them suddenly stops talking totally. People have been tweeting at Wendy's, telling them their worst ghosting stories.
After the round of ghosting stories, Wendy's decided to give everyone with their app a free burger. Now, they are focusing on people in the world who need a hug. According to their tweet on Monday, they can't give hugs but they can give nugs.
You read it correctly, Wendy's will be handing out free nuggets this Friday at all of their drive-thrus. I know there are four locations in Lake Charles alone, one in Moss Bluff, and two in Sulphur. That's a total of seven Wendy's with four nuggets a piece. Twenty-eight free nuggets are at your fingertips this Friday! Gas is cheap, so it might be worth a shot to take a ride and get out of the house for a bit.

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