Facebook Post, Hurting to Healing, Reactions to the Connecticut Tragedy
We live in a time when everybody shares their emotions with the world. A ta time like this everyone is very emotional. I find myself sad one minute then mad the next. Every post on my personal facebook page is people dealing with these emotions . I wanted to share some of the post and pictures with you.
I have heard some say that we should not put everything up on facebook and I could not disagree and stronger. I think facebook can serve as the worlds biggest group therapy session at a time like this. That is exactly what is happening. These are all quotes from post on my facebook page early on this morning when the nation grieves.
My heart breaks for the families of those killed in Newtown, Conn. It is so senseless. I am angry, disgusted, but most of all extremely sad. Drew Brees on facebook
Dear Anti Gun Folks,
I know you are hurting and this is a way of taking your energy and putting it in a positive place. I understand. But do me a favor-- let's wait a day or two ok? Can we just grieve and pull together and pray for the families and heal a little before we all get divisive and start with the politicizing, speculation, reactions and the finger pointing? Please. Just a day or two. #justsayin
Innocence lost through the manifestation of pure evil. Just sickening...
Why not allow cruel and unusual punishment? We're only protecting the guilty. String em up and let people fling rocks at them.... I won't post the other things I would like to do to some criminals because it is indeed to graphic for FB. But WHY NOT... maybe people would be less likely to commit crimes if the punishment was worse than death. . . then again maybe not..... but I'd feel better about it if I got to hit them with rocks.
What the Hell?? You always hear about killing an innocent person, who is more innocent than a child. I want to die and go to hell just so I can torment that killer's soul for eternity. That would be justice and well worth the trip.
When I tucked Lexi in tonight and she reached up to wrap her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss and we said our "I love you's," I felt tears come to my eyes. Then, when I did the same thing with Hadley an hour later and he said, "I love you my sweet mommy," I felt tears come to my eyes again.
The worst pain a parent can endure is to lose a child..The pain is never ending.. A life event that can change a parents life forever...My heart goes out all all the parents in Newtown CT
There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self‑control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God– having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them. (2 Timothy 3:1-5 NIV84)
City of Lake Charles Mayor Randy Roach has requested that all United States flags at City of Lake Charles locations be flown at half-mast today through Sunday in remembrance of the children and all those who lost their lives in today's tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
· I am not pro or anti gun but blaming guns for situations like today is like blaming cars for drunk drivers that kill... What I see as the problem is the family unit has fallen apart. With cell phones, computers, video games, and TV's in every room, Children are able to isolate themselves from the rest of the family. Sometimes this creates people who are desensitized to violence and the value of human life. I don't want to sound "old" here but we had one TV...three channels. We ate dinner as a family around the table every night where we would talk and discuss our day then we would watch TV as a family and the programs were something you could watch with your Mom & Dad and brothers and sisters without being embarrased. Violence on TV was less extreme as well. Parents are using all this modern technolgy to "babysit" their kids so they don't have to (If this doesn't apply to you then please accept my apology). Rap "music" glorifies violence and pare...
nts are not screening what their children are listening to. (I'm not advocating censorship...but we never had to have two versions (edited or explicit) of our record albums). The bottom line is that it's not guns that cause this type of senselessness...it's a lack of God in our lives and parents that are not being parents. Again...if this doesn't apply to you then don't get upset...this is for the parents that have not been parents...they know who they are...or maybe they don't...maybe that's the problem is they don't even know they are not good parents who are not teaching their kids the diffrence between right and wrong and what morals are and who God is...so we should just all pray...and do what we can to do our part to bring back civility to our civilization. Amen!
During this time where children awe at the magic of the season there will be Parents that have already bought gifts that will never be opened on Christmas morning. There will be grief instead of joy, there will be sadness and pain instead of wonder and excitement.
We need to love those around us, forgive those who have done us wrong, give our children and grand children and families at large a hug, appreciate our friends and tell those around us how much we love them.