Officially the Mardi Gras weekend begins tomorrow will all sorts of activities, balls and parades for the next five days.

With that being said the City of Lake Charles and the Calscasieu Parish Police Jury has announced that services and offices will be closed that day.

Katie Harrington with the city of Lake Charles said,

The City of Lake Charles will observe the Mardi Gras Holiday on Tuesday, February 25, 2020. There WILL NOT be any trash or garbage picked up on that day.

Trash and garbage normally picked up on Tuesday will be rescheduled for pickup on Wednesday, February 26, 2020.

Monday, Thursday, and Friday routes will remain on their regular schedules.

All Recycling stations, including the Team Green Recycling Truck and the Incinerator will not be open on Tuesday, February 25, 2020. They will resume regular operating hours on Wednesday, February 26, 2020.

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For folks who live outside of Lake Charles in Calcasieu Parish Laura Heelr advised us

All Calcasieu Parish Police Jury departments will be closed Tuesday, Feb. 25 for Mardi Gras. Offices will reopen on Wednesday, Feb. 26.

Garbage and trash pickup will run as normally scheduled for Waste Management customers.

Happy Mardi Gras y'all!

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