You don't want to miss the Family Fishing Festival Saturday, April 7, at Cameron Prairie National Wildlife Refuge on Highway 27. From 9am until 1pm only, you will be able to fish for bass and catfish in three ponds where that's not allowed except during this event!
Did you know there's another festival, of sorts, that commemorates rice in south Louisiana? It's actually called the Yellow Rails and Rice Festival, and it's based in Jennings.
So how many of you remember going to the the Cajun Riviera Festival at Holly Beach? It was always a blast. Sure the accommodations were not like staying at the Marriott; but cruising up and down the beach in the back of a pick up truck with a bunch of rowdy friends was always a blast. The live music with the gulf as a back drop was great. Could the festival come back? Holly Beach is certainly on t
Some kids know what they want to do for a career from the time they are very small. Others have a hard time deciding on their future. The Family and Youth Festival is for them.
To borrow a phrase from a Christmas classic "it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas." This weekend kicks off the Christmas Festival season. We don't want you to miss any of the fun!