We saw him in the aisles tapping his foot and singing to whomever would listen. Now, the new viral internet sensation for the week has made his TV debut on the Ellen Show. 11 year old Mason Ramsey was invited to be a guest on the Ellen show that aired today (April 10, 2018). During the show Ellen and Ramsey talked about his dreams for the future, including performing at the Grand Ole Opry and going to college, and his musical influences.

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After Ramsey performed on the show, Ellen joins him on stage and presents him with an invitation to perform Saturday April 14 at the Grand Ole Opry. The host didn't stop there either, Ramsey was then presented with a $15,000 check for his college fund from Walmart.

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Guess we all have to wait and see how the Grand Ole Opry turns out for Ramsey, not a bad few weeks for starting your career at Walmart.

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