Another One Bites the Dust at Gulfway Shopping Center
The Gulfway Shopping Center on McNeese and Ryan/Country Club Road in Lake Charles is saying goodbye to another long-established tenant.
Rite-Aid stores were recently bought out by Walgreens over the last 2 years (over 2,100 actually). It's a good move to get rid of their competition to have a better leg in the market for various cities. The one on McNeese has been blowing their items out up to almost 80% off. This closing comes along with the shutting down of the Kroger just a few doors down after the new "fancy" one was built further down the road off of Nelson.
Is this little strip mall doomed to be an eyesore? Rumors are always running around as to what will go in the giant vacant shell that used to be Kroger for so many years, but nothing seems to be sticking. The lease on the vacant site is just over $30k a month, but no one seems to want to bite on it.
I'll show my age for a second. I remember when the Rite-Aid used to be a K&B Drug Store!
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