Complete List Of Lake Charles Easter Egg Hunt Events
We are smack dab in the middle of the lent season, but before you know it, Good Friday and then Easter will be here. Good Friday is Friday, April 14th, and Easter this year is Sunday, April 16th.
The City of Lake Charles will be hosting Easter Egg hunts all over the city from March 23rd through April 13th. The first hunt is for seniors and will be on March 24 from 10:00 to 12:00pm. The hunt will be located at J.D. Clifton Center, which is located at 2415 East. Geiffers Street.Here is all the other events scheduled.
Picture provided by Matt Young City Of Lake Charles
So gather up the kids and bring them out for some fun and gather those eggs and get in the holiday spirit. For more info, call Matt Young with the City of Lake Charles at 337-491-9176.
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