Grab Your Fat Pants, There’s a New BBQ Place Coming!
What started as a late night ponder by founder Paul, has turned into one of the most successful BBQ trailers in the Lake Area. Paul wondered how hard it was to cook ribs. He began practicing over and over again. in 2017, Paul's Ribshack was born with its debut during Lake Charles' Live and the Lakefront. Since then, the #BishopOfBBQ has been smoking meats all around the Lake Area. Through his website Paul's Ribshack Barbeque, Paul keeps his BBQ fans up to date on where the trailer will be next.
Coming soon, however, in Lake Charles next to the new Kroger, BBQ buffs won't need to figure out where to get their BBQ fix. Paul's Ribshack will have a home at 4800 Nelson Road. To stay up to date with the Ribshack and look for opening dates, you can follow his Facebook Page as well.
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