Lake Charles Will Be Keeping Our Eyes On The Caribbean This Week
Another tropical wave will be entering the lower Caribbean in the next few days reminding us Hurricane season isn't over just yet.
Everyone here in SWLA can certainly sympathize with everyone living with the aftermath of Hurricane Ian right now. And we also know the anxiety that comes with seeing another storm system taking a very similar path to the storm that just slammed into your neck of the woods and flipped your world upside down.

But I have to tell you, every time I see a storm traveling in the lower Caribbean it makes me very nervous. No I'm not a meteorologist, and no I'm not familiar with wind patterns and where high-pressure systems are to help steer the storm. I'll just tell you, after Hurricane Laura, I always feel like it's coming for us until it's making landfall somewhere else.
So, when I saw this post on Sunday I started to get nervous. On Sunday the National Hurricane Center had the formation of this tropical wave at a 40% probability. However, I have some great news, when I checked it today, the formation probability had dropped to 20%.
There is some more great news for SWLA when it comes to this storm system. Apparently, there is a huge high-pressure ridge that will be covering the Gulf when this storm will be passing through forcing it to stay well south of us and probably making landfall somewhere in Central America.
Even though it looks like this storm will not even come close to SWLA, weather patterns can change and a different path can be taken. This is just a reminder to keep your eyes on it this week to make sure you're in the know.
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