US News & World Report HATES Louisiana
I’m not sure anyone really puts a lot of stock in whatever U.S. News & World Report says, but they do love making lists…and putting Louisiana at the bottom of nearly all of them.
This time, they’ve come up with a Best States list by factoring in things like Health Care, Education, Crime & Corrections, Infrastructure, Opportunity, Economy, and Government to determine an overall rank for each state.
You could say we came in last, or you could say that we’re the 50th Best State in America! You know, whichever makes you feel better about all this.
According to them, Louisiana is the absolute worst state in the country when it comes to Crime & Corrections, which isn’t all that surprising considering the fact that we’re the prison capital of the world with a really unfair jury system unique to the Bayou State.
Our best score was in Infrastructure, where they ranked us at #39, for some reason. I guess U.S. News & World Report didn’t actually try to drive down any of our roads or across any of our bridges, but hey, that’s cool. At least we’re not totally awful at something!
Here are our rankings for each category, in order from best to worst:
- Infrastructure - 39
- Health Care - 45
- Education - 46
- Economy - 46
- Government - 46
- Opportunity - 49
- Crime & Corrections - 50
We almost made the absolute bottom of the list for Opportunity too, but Mississipi beat us on that one. The jerks.
Check out all the rankings over here, then go grab a drive-thru daiquiri and cook up a gumbo while you try to remember that we live in the best dang state in the union because we have things like drive-thru daiquiris and legit gumbo.
Laissez les bon temps rouler!
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