Who’s Up For Shedding Some Pounds?
Hi gang! Join me every Wednesday as we try to topple the ongoing batte amongst many of us and that would be the "Battle of the Bulge."
Two weeks ago, I made the decision to go on a weight loss plan that worked very very well for me six years ago. The result then was that I lost 50 pounds. The keys to the success was drinking LOTS of water and walking about six miles a day. There was a few online meals planners I followed as well. You still have to eat, ya know?
When I started the plan two weeks ago I was 254 pounds. Today I weighed in at 247.
The secret of this small victory? The mind! You have to want to do this, and believe in yourself. Together... WE can do this gang!
Next week, I will share with you something else that I am looking forward to adding to my goal of "Defeating the Bulge."
Have a great day!