DOTD To Start Survey For I-10 Calcasieu River Bridge Replacement
Thanks to President Joe Biden and the bipartisan work of the U. S. Senate, the historic Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) has passed. This is a $550 billion dollar investment in the nation’s roads and highways, bridges and transit. Not just that but the nations broadband, drinking water systems, clean energy, environmental clean-up. How much will the state of Louisiana benefit from this monumental legislation? According to Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD), the state will get an estimated $5.8 billion to transform the our infrastructure.
DOTD Secretary Shawn D. Wilson, Ph. D and Governor John Bel Edwards praised the President Biden and the Senate for passing the Act and spoke on how much it stands to help our state. Gov. Edwards said,
“I would like to commend the Biden administration and Senator Cassidy on their efforts to pass the IIJA. These funds will have a crucial impact on the state and will help to create a better, modernized infrastructure system that will go towards our bridges, ports, public transit, and rail system. It is bipartisan efforts like this that grow our economy and put Louisiana on the path forward.”
Speaking of which, the first job on the list is replacing the I-10 Calcasieu River Bridge! DTOD is wasting no time in starting that long over due process. They announced survey crews will begin working along both the I-10 and I-210 as soon as August 16th and 17th. DOTD crews will be scanning the roadways and the roadbeds with a Mobile Light Detection and Ranging unit, better known as LiDAR to get a 3-D image/model. This allows engineers to get a better understanding of the condition of the roads and what improvements or changes need to be done once the I-10 bridge replacement project gets underway. For more details about the upcoming bridge work click here. Senator Cassidy said of the IIJA passage,
“This is a great deal to help Louisiana. Louisiana has been impacted more than any other state by flooding and natural disasters these past few years. In addition to billions for roads and bridges, it includes $47 billion to address resiliency and protect communities. This is the largest investment in roads, bridges, broadband, and our coastline in the history of our state. This is a huge win for Louisiana.”
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