Time Falls Back One Hour This Weekend Nov. 1
We approaching the end of October folks which is crazy just like 2020 has been. We only have two more months of 2020 which by all accounts has been a rough year for Southwest Louisiana people.
Pandemics, two hurricanes and unemployment running wild are just some things folks in the area to deal with and we are all just ready to start 2021.
This weekend we will set back our clocks one hour for daylight savings time. The time will change Sunday morning at 2:00am when the clock strikes 2:00am Sunday you will need to back your time up one hour.
So get ready to grab your watch, the clock on the wall, your VCR, and your microwave and stove clocks and set them all back one hour. Good news is you won't have to reset your time on your phone because modern technology does that for us.
Enjoy sleeping an extra hour on Sunday but don't forget to change your clocks or you will be late for work on Monday.

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